AddHandler | AddressOf | Alias | And |
AndAlso | As | Boolean | ByRef |
Byte | ByVal | Call | Case |
Catch | CBool | CByte | CChar |
CDate | CDbl | CDec | Char |
CInt | Class | CLng | CObj |
Const | Continue | CSByte | CShort |
CSng | CStr | CType | CUInt |
CULng | CUShort | Date | Decimal |
Declare | Default | Delegate | Dim |
DirectCast | Do | Double | Each |
Else | ElseIf | End | EndIf |
Enum | Erase | Error | Event |
Exit | FALSE | Finally | For |
For Each…Next | Friend | Function | Get |
GetType | GetXMLNamespace | Global | GoSub |
GoTo | Handles | If | If() |
Implements | Implements | Imports | In |
Inherits | Integer | Interface | Is |
IsNot | Let | Lib | Like |
Long | Loop | Me | Mod |
Module | MustInherit | MustOverride | MyBase |
MyClass | NameOf | Namespace | Narrowing |
New | Next | Not | Nothing |
NotInheritable | NotOverridable | Object | Of |
On | Operator | Option | Optional |
Or | OrElse | Out | Overloads |
Overridable | Overrides | ParamArray | Partial |
Private | Property | Protected | Public |
RaiseEvent | ReadOnly | ReDim | REM |
RemoveHandler | Resume | Return | SByte |
Select | Set | Shadows | Shared |
Short | Single | Static | Step |
Stop | String | Structure | Sub |
SyncLock | Then | Throw | To |
TryCast | TypeOf…Is | TRUE | Try |
UInteger | ULong | UShort | Using |
Variant | Wend | When | While |
Widening | With | WithEvents | WriteOnly |
Xor | #Const | #Else | #ElseIf |
#End | #If | ||
= | & | &= | * |
*= | / | /= | \ |
\= | ^ | ^= | + |
+= | – | -= | >> |
>>= | << | <<= |
Dim dim as Long のように予約語を変数名に使用するとエラーが発生します。
「コンパイルエラー: 構文エラー」